
From Hitler's Holocaust to Repentence In Germany - Produced by Sandra Sheskin Brotman 2CD set


Double CD - Little could Hitler have imagined as he stood at the height of his glory with his Nazi leadership, preaching his message of hate in the Olympic Stadium, that 40 years later in the very same stadium, 30,000 Germans and people from 25 nations would be repenting to God and asking forgiveness of the Jewish people for the murder of 6 million of Jesus' kinsmen according to the flesh, His Jewish People! Hear Merla Watson, world renown singer; Holocaust Survivor Rose Price, who forgave the Nazis for torturing her for 5 years and for killing her Orthodox Jewish family; Sandra Sheskin Brotman, Messianic Jewish recording artist (whose family members were murdered in The Holocaust), who asked the German people to forgive her; Peter van Woerden (nephew of Corrie ten Boom); Sid Roth of the Messianic Vision and Steve Lightle (author of Exodus II). The usual reaction from both believers and non-believers who hear this message and music of reconciliation and forgiveness is "awesome" and "profound". They often see the need to share this cassette with others.

Over 21,000 tapes of this service have been distributed into many nations! Let God challenge and change YOU through its powerful message. Share it with others!