
JVMI Car Magnet Package (1968)


Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem Mug

It’s the first thing in the morning, and you reach into the cupboard for a mug to hold your coffee. Your eyes fall on your JVMI Pray for Jerusalem mug. “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem,” it says. “Yes, Lord,” you pray, “please protect Israel with peace, and bring the peace of Yeshua into the hearts of Your people.” It’s the middle of the afternoon and time for a cup of tea. On your desk you see the Jewish Voice logo on your mug, and you are reminded how your support of this ministry is making a difference in people’s lives around the world. Functional and inspirational, this ceramic JVMI mug is white with navy blue rim and base. It holds 12 ounces, is 4” high, and bears the words of Psalm 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem,” on one side and the JVMI logo on the other.

"I Stand with Israel" JVMI Car Magnet

Now you can show your support for Israel and Jewish Voice on the go with this special blue and white “I Stand with Israel” car magnet. With the JVMI website address in the design, you’ll also direct people to our website where they can learn more about Yeshua and the Gospel, Messianic Judaism, and the biblical importance of standing with Israel. Let your voice be heard and be counted among those who stand with Israel!