
Peace Blessing Afghan Package (2060)


Peace Blessing Afghan

This beautiful afghan is woven in white, blue, and gold and carries the inspirational reminder to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. It also has the Jewish Voice logo of the Star of David and a wheat stalk. As you are warmed under this lovely throw blanket, you will be reminded of how your contributions to Jewish Voice help share the warmth of Yeshua’s love and Good News to Jewish people all over the world. Afghan measures approximately 48” x 60”.

The Fall Feasts & Chanukah (9285)

One of the most incredible things about our Almighty God, Creator of the universe, is that He wants to meet with His people. When He gave the Torah to Moses, God commanded Israel to observe seven annual feasts. In these “appointed times,” He called the Jewish people to connect with Him in very specific ways.

The Jewish feasts also hold much meaning for Gentile Believers. Explore the rich spiritual significance of each of the Fall Feasts and learn about the prophetic pictures of Yeshua (Jesus) contained in each one. You’ll discover the cohesive thread running through the Old and New Covenants and the special lessons that the Fall Feasts hold for you.