
David the Great Package (2043)


Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures - The Lord My Shepherd

Throughout Scripture, God presents Himself as a good shepherd who cares for His flock. He nurtures, protects, guides and comforts us. In this fifth volume of Jonathan Bernis’ Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures series The Lord My Shepherd you’ll find breathtaking photographs alongside inspiring verses from the Old and New Covenants. Confessing the truth of God’s Word transforms us. Here, in this profound collection, you will receive Scriptures written in English, Hebrew and the transliteration from Hebrew. An audio CD includes Scriptures spoken in Hebrew enabling you to learn pronunciation and begin confessing these comforting verses in the Lashon HaKodesh, the Holy language of Hebrew.

David the Great – Deconstructing the Man After God’s Own Heart, book by Dr. Mark Rutland

King David was a man of unwavering loyalty, great faith and national vision. He was a Spirit-led poet, musician and strong political leader. He was also an adulterer, murderer, mercenary raider and a hated father. Let’s just say, what you know about David only scratches the surface. He was a complicated, conflicted man of flesh all too often viewed as an Americanized shepherd boy on a Sunday school felt board. But this image neglects one of the Bible’s most complex stories of sin and redemption, it also bypasses the gritty life lessons inherent in the amazing true story of David. Dr. Mark Rutland shreds the felt-board character and unearths the real David of the Bible. Both noble and wretched, neither a saint nor a monster, at times victorious and other times a failure, David was, through it all, a man after God’s own heart.